Case Review – Life Changing Decisions

April 7, 2016

Case Review – Life Changing Decisions | AIA

Thank you Steven.

Finally, I want to thank you for all your advice over the past year. Actually I think I first contacted you at the end of 2012, but fear of the unknown, embarrassment, pressure and the stress prevented me from perusing options at that time. It was just easier to ignore it all, or so I foolishly thought at the time!

Thank you for clearly explaining the reality of the situation in terms that were accessible and easily digestible and mostly thank you for allaying my fears and concerns with sound level headed succinct advice that painted a clear picture as to how best to approach and resolve the situation.

This is a major triumph and without your sound advice I could have made life changing decisions unwittingly that would have had major lasting ramifications to both myself and my family.

You offer a great service, keep up the terrific work!

Best regards


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